How to use the shopping cart in Mybring
The shopping cart is available if you order with credit card in Mybring. If you order multiple shipments, you can add the orders to the shopping cart as you complete them. Finally, you pay collectively for all the shipments.
How to save time with favourites in Mybring
If you regularly order a shipment with exactly the same sender, recipient, service options and shipment details, it is a good idea to save it as a favourite in order to save time.
How to batch print labels in Mybring
When ordering a lot of shipments, you can save time by batch printing the labels when you have completed the orders, e.g. at the end of the day. It is easy to print labels for up to 100 orders at the same time in Mybring's order history.
How to order one parcel in Mybring
You can easily order your parcels in Mybring. Calculate the agreement price when ordering, tailor with the additional services you want, and quickly order a pickup when the parcels are ready.