How to order Cargo International (BCI) in Mybring
When you have an agreement for Cargo International, you can easily order your shipments in Mybring. Calculate what the shipment will cost and upload the necessary documentation after the order is completed.
How to use the address book in Mybring
Mybring's address book makes your ordering processes more efficient by quickly looking up the contact you will be using when ordering. Save, search for, import/export in and out of Mybring and share the contacts with your colleagues.
How to use the order history in Mybring
Mybring's order history lets you easily keep track of all orders for your company's customer numbers. You can search for specific shipments, view their details and latest tracking status, print labels and go to the receipt page.
How to save time with favourites in Mybring
If you regularly order a shipment with exactly the same sender, recipient, service options and shipment details, it is a good idea to save it as a favourite in order to save time.